Energy Healing: How it Can Help You?

If you’d like to book a Reiki or Egyptian Sekhem treatment or Practitioner Training contact us at

sun rising meditationWhat is Energy?

The word “energy” first appeared in a work by Aristotle, written in the 4th century BC and it derives from the Greek word pronounced “energeia”.  Since then (and, no doubt, before) physicists have worked to establish a means of accurately studying and defining energy.  Physicists from Alhazen (1021AD) to Leibniz, Newton, Young, Rankine and, more famously, Einstein have worked to understand how energy works.  In fact, for many years scientists could not agree whether energy was an actual substance or whether it was a physical quantity or measurement such as momentum or speed.

In the early 20th century, our interpretation of time and space changed when Einstein identified that E=MC² or Energy equals Mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.  What does that tell us?  Well it tells us that anything that is mass is energy.  This formula explains that both energy and mass are interchangeable and that both space and time are not absolute.  Time does not work independently of space.

Now, in order to take this a step further we must remember our childhood physics; mass or matter is made of atoms.  Atoms are tiny particles that move around and either attract or repel one another based on their position.  And matter can be a solid, liquid or gas so we may not be able to see all energy with the naked eye.

Therefore, everything is a form of energy; people, water, trees, rocks, animals, radio waves, microwaves and heat are all forms of energy.

That’s all very well, but how does all this relate to universal energy?  Well, one of the best known physicists of the 20th century Richard P. Feynman describes it best when he explains the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Blue mandala“There is a fact, or if you wish, a law, governing natural phenomena that are known to date. There is no known exception to this law; it is exact, so far we know. The law is called conservation of energy; it states that there is a certain quantity, which we call energy; that does not change in manifold changes which nature undergoes. That is a most abstract idea, because it is a mathematical principle; it says that there is a numerical quantity, which does not change when something happens. It is not a description of a mechanism, or anything concrete; it is just a strange fact that we can calculate some number, and when we finish.”

He goes on to further explain this with an analogy.  If you imagine a mother puts her child into a room with 28 play bricks which are absolutely indestructible.  The play bricks here represent energy.

At the beginning of the day the child is put into the room with 28 play bricks and the door is closed.  No matter what the child does with the bricks: throws them; crushes them; puts them in water; bites them; hits them; or hides them; there are still 28 bricks at the end of the day.

One day, the mother goes in at the end of the day to find there are only 26 bricks.  But then she looks up and realises that the window is open and there are two bricks outside on the lawn.  So, there are still 28 bricks.

The next day, the mother goes in at the end of the day to find there are 30 bricks.  Then she realises that her son’s friend Johnny has been over to play and left two of his bricks in the room.

The following day, the mother enters to room to find that there are now only 25 bricks.  The window is closed and there have been no guests.  The she realises that her son has placed 3 bricks inside of his toy box.

What this story helps to demonstrate is the fact that at any point in time there is the same amount of energy available as there was before.  Even though the location of the energy may have moved, the balance still remains.

The concept of energy features in many different sciences ranging from biology through to chemistry, geology, cosmology and astronomy.  You can just imagine the millions of different chemical reactions occurring in our body every single day; enabling us to move, sleep, digest our food and so on.

While an energetic balance remains in the body, or while all energy is flowing freely through our meridians, we remain fit and healthy.  If there is an energy block or and over or under energy in a certain area we run the risk of disease and emotional unrest.

By channeling universal energy we can direct it through our bodies in order to ensure energy flows freely through our meridians and chakras, ensuring good health.


piled stonesWhere does energy come from?

Energy is everywhere; working inside our bodies and all around us in many different forms.  There is kinetic energy (motion), heat energy, sound energy, light energy, elastic energy, electrical energy, chemical energy and so on.

We are impacted all the time by external energy from the weather to energy from the people who share our lives and the animals who live in our homes.  Energy exchange can occur all the time (remember Johnny leaving his play bricks?)  Can you remember a time when you’ve been out for a walk on a blustery day in autumn, were you energised?  Did you feel lighter or heavier in your thoughts when you came back?  How does the sun make you feel?  Do you feel differently when you spend time with friends with whom you laugh all the time to friends who are more serious?  How do you feel when you’ve spent time with your dog or cat?  How do you feel when you hold certain crystals?  Do you love spending time by mountains or near the sea?

By beginning to ask these sorts of questions you will get a better understanding of how you react to energy from different sources and you’ll become more aware of the energy that is supportive for you.


freedomWhat is Life Energy?

Hippocrates defined life energy as the “vis medicatrix naturae” or the healing power of nature.  It is the manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved in our ability to grow and heal.

The living body radiates energy and heat – a life force. This life force is called many different things across the world. In India it’s called “Prana”; in Hebrew it’s known as “Ruach”; in Ancient Huna it’s called “Mana”; the Chinese call it “Ch’i” and in Japanese, this translates to “Ki”.

Life Energy enters our body through the breath and flows through our meridians, bringing life to our organs and tissues.

Life Energy is often considered to be similar to “spirit”.  Throughout history and literature we find reference to the “healing spirit”.  From the Bible to William Shakespeare, there are numerous references to “the breath or life” or “the healing spirit”.  If our spirits our low we are more prone to disease.  And conversely, when our spirits are high, our immune systems are at their strongest.


Energy WaveThe Human Energy Field

Human beings are comprised of electromagnetic energy and every single atom in our body vibrates at a different rate depending upon its biological make-up.  The physical body is the densest inner layer of our full flowing energy field or “aura”.  Everyone’s aura is as unique as their fingerprints.

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for vortex or wheel.  There are over 80 chakras in the entire human body, however, there are seven major chakras located from the crown of the head down the spine to the base.  Chakras are a very important part of the energetic system within the body and it is important that energy flows freely through each one in order to ensure good physical and emotional health.

ChakraThe other important energy components within the body are the meridians.  Meridians channel and carry life-energy, Chi or Ki around the body.  They run longitudinally through the body and connect with all the major organs within the body.

There are also smaller meridians called “nadis” which connect all the meridians together with the major and minor chakras, enabling energy to travel everywhere within the body.

Penelope Quest uses a good analogy to describe the aura and energy. “Think of the energy body (aura) in similar terms to your physical body, the chakras are the equivalent to your brain and major organs, and the meridians are similar to your veins and arteries, but instead of blood, they carry energy all over the body.

An aura is something that you hold from inside the womb until death.  No auric field can be detected after death as there is no life force.

There are seven layers of the auric field.  The areas nearest the physical body are the densest and the layers become finer towards the outside; operating on a higher vibrational frequency.

hands of light



Image Taken from Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan

Auric field scanHow does energy healing benefit you?

Energy healing will bring balance to your emotions, and promote your physical well-being.  We have a tendency to store negative emotions in the energy centres within our bodies, creating over or under energies.  For example, excessive guilt can cause problems with the large intestine; rage and fury cause problems with the gall bladder and a general unhappiness causes problems with the liver.

Energy healing will send healing to any areas of blockage or imbalance within your body providing you a release from physical symptoms and emotional distress.  Energy healing can support and relief from the following issues.

• Stress and Tension
• Emotional Trauma
• Fatigue or TATT (Tired all the time)
• Muscle tension
• Unwanted habits – smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Arthritis or joint problems
• Digestive problems
• Weakened immune system
• Behavioural problems
• Bone pain
• Post Surgery Recovery
• Stimulating the natural healing of acute and chronic illnesses
• Skin conditions
• M.E. & M.S
• Assisting recovery after Surgery and Injury

Energy healing is totally safe and it works at the pace that’s right for you when you receive a treatment or an attunement.


How Can Energy Healing Prevent Disease

When we are unwell or when we have disease there is an imbalance of life energy or Chi, and this affects the energy meridian.  This imbalance can then lead to psychological or physical problems which, in turn lead to disease.

By keeping our energy meridians in balance and acknowledging and addressing our emotions we serve to keep our bodies healthy.  There are many other things that we need to consider for optimum health including a healthy diet, vitamin supplements and a healthy exercise programme.  However, by maintaining balance in our life energy we work towards a healthy life and make it easier to digest our healthy diet and for our bodies to accept supplements.

Types of Energy Healing

Energy healing is a very personal practice.  It is important that you find the right treatment or treatments for you and a practitioner who makes you feel comfortable and offers you a safe space for healing.

Da Vinci & TetahedronUsui Reiki

Reiki is a safe, non-intrusive hands-on healing technique that you can learn to use on yourself, your friends and your family.  Reiki uses spiritual energy to work on all aspects of the body: physical; emotional; mental and spiritual; bringing it back into to harmony and balance.  It also helps you to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.

We rarely take time out for ourselves and often find that we’ve ended up somewhere that’s not very comfortable – but we don’t know how it happened.  We all need time and mental space to reflect, heal old hurts and discover what we really want.  Reiki allows us this time and leaves you feeling balanced and supported.

Reiki is a divinely guided energy and, when the time is right, it will find you.  It always works for your highest and greatest good, and at a pace that’s right for you at the time.

The Japanese word Reiki (pronounced Ray Kee in the West) is usually translated as Universal Life-force Energy.  It was re-discovered in Japan in 1914 by a Tibetan Monk called Dr Mikao Usui.

Currently, there are over 20 different offshoots from the original Usui Reiki.  The most commonly available are:

Tibetan Reiki

This form of reiki is a powerful Tibetan method of attunement and combines certain techniques from the original Usui reiki.

Karuna Reiki


Karuna is a powerful, multi-dimensional healing which is suitable for everyone, including children.

Karuna training is only available to those who have already been attuned to the Reiki Master energy due to the fact that it works with a much more powerful energy.

The Karuna system was channeled in 1994 by William Lee Rand. The training has two levels, two attunements, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols.  The energy works on emotional and spiritual levels and also can you become more grounded.

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It translates to mean “compassionate action”.  When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

Rainbow Reiki


Walter Lubeck, a reiki master began this form of reiki. In this system, working with the seven main chakras in the body brings about healing. These chakras organize a body of light. This spiritual energy is used to heal and understand our true nature.


Angel Reiki


Angel Reiki works with the Angel vibration.  This type of reiki brings in the lighter realms of Angels and Ascended Masters to help us soothe the body, mind and soul. It works on the body’s 7 chakras or spiritual energy centres throughout the body.
Seichim Reiki


Seichim Reiki has been influenced by Patrick Ziegler’s SKHM or Sekhem and uses some of his lower level symbols.


Kundalini Reiki


In this system, reiki energy is channeled through the lower base chakra rather than crown chakra. This can be a very powerful attunement and helps the recipient to step into their own power and find comfort in being themselves and enforcing their boundaries.


Egypte - Kom Ombo - SekhmetSKHM or Sekhem

Egyptian SKHM is powerful form of energy healing and it works on different energy bodies simultaneously using sacred Egyptian symbols. This results in powerful and rapid healing, without any healing crisis. What’s more, it can help you develop spiritually and open up channels of communication with your higher self and the great unconscious.

Sekh Em or SKHM was re-introduced by Patrick Zeigler in 1984. After spending the night in the Great Pyramid, he was given The Sekh Em and the Symbols for Sekh Em. Since then many new healing systems have emerged from SKHM. These new systems have emerged to keep up with the increasing vibrations and energy shifts that are coming to the planet and they are assisting with the evolving consciousness of Humanity. Sekh Em or SKHM was one of the healing practices in The Temples of Ancient Egypt. It is closely connected to The Goddess Sekhmet (She who is all powerful) The Lioness Goddess of the feminine principle, and Goddess of Healing.

huna2Huna & Hawaiian Healing

In Hawai’i, the teaching of Huna was originally called Ho’omana (to make “Mana”, or life force energy).

The word “Mana” means life force energy. Equivalent to Ki (in Japanese), Chi (in Chinese) or Shakti or Prana in the Sanskrit language. You may use another word that you prefer, meaning Life Force Energy. The Hawaiians call it Mana. Taken together, the word Ho’omana means to empower or empowerment. The Kahuna, who practiced these techniques and teachings knew that all power and all force emanated from the One, the source of All — all life, all energy, which in Hawai’i was called I’o.

One purpose of the original teaching was the study of the ways of increasing life force energy, to give every single human the power in his own hands, ultimate means to create what they totally want in their life. The notion of Life Force is a very important.  As is learning how to make connections with the sources of Mana all around you.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is the use of crystals to bring about healing and positive changes in the mind and body.

Crystal healing is an alternative healing technique for strengthening the body and resolving issues and patterns using various forms of natural crystals. The theory is that gemstones carry a certain vibration. By placing these different vibrations within the aura – the vibration of your aura also changes. Often the effects are indirect, but very potent. Other times, the effects are very direct and repeatable.


Verbal positive affirmations can be a powerful and effective means of raising your vibration.  More often than not people talk to themselves negatively in their minds.  Every time we call ourselves and idiot or berate ourselves for our behaviour we run the risk of lowering our life force energy or spirit.  In the same way it can be equally as damaging to spend time with people who are unsupportive or negative towards us.

If we can learn to accept life as a learning process and praise ourselves for doing the best we can with the resources we have available, we support our energetic system and mental and emotional well-being.

Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life is a fantastic book to read to get a good understanding of how to use affirmations.

Here’s something else you may find interesting.  Consider the fact that our bodies are 70% water.  And then take a look at the photographs of water molecules below.  These were taken by a Japanese man called Masaru Emoto who has widely studied the vibration of water.

He took water samples and placed different words on the side of the bottle and spoke the same words over the water.  The first sample compares “Happiness” at the top to “unhappiness” at the bottom.


I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about these pictures.


In our hectic modern world many people are taking ‘time out’ to practice yoga – a system of philosophy that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Everyone can practice yoga, regardless of age, sex or ability.

Yoga offers us a holistic approach to body, mind and spirit, which can provide us with the ‘tools’ to cope with the challenges of daily life. Yoga can also complement medical science and therapy for specific conditions.

The Sanskrit word yoga is translated as ‘union’ between mind, body and spirit.

In the West, the most widely taught form of yoga is Hatha Yoga with classes offering students exercises to stretch and flex the body, develop breath awareness, relaxation and sometimes meditation.

Yoga moves are designed to stimulate specific meridians during each session so as to promote healing, energy flow and balance.

Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing with other standard methods of diagnosis.

The doctor using AK finds a muscle that is unbalanced and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly.  The doctor works out the treatment that will best balance the patient’s muscles.

AK uses the Triad of Health.  That is Chemical, Mental and Structural factors that balance the major health categories.


Acupuncture has been used in the Far East to restore, promote and maintain good health for over 2,500 years. The first needles were made from stone, and then later from bronze, gold and silver. The first medical account of acupuncture was The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine which dates from about 300 BC.

Acupuncture is rooted in the Daoist philosophy of change, growth, balance and harmony, and The Yellow Emperor’s Classic outlines the principles of natural law and the movements of life – yin and yang, the five elements, the organ system and the meridian network along which acupuncture points are located. These records also contain details of pathology and physiology which some 2,000 years later provide the theoretical foundation for acupuncture today. Acupuncture practice has gradually developed and been refined by masters such as the famous Chinese herbalist Li Shi Zen who, during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), published his fifty-volume Compendium of Materia Medica, as well as a study of the Pulse and the Extraordinary Meridians.

Stimulating specific acupuncture points may affect the functioning of certain organs in the body. However, those points may not be close to the part of the body where the problem is experienced. For example, although you may suffer from headaches, needles may be inserted in your foot or hand. There are around 500 such acupuncture points on the body.

If you’d like to book a Reiki or Egyptian Sekhem treatment or Practitioner Training contact us at